Pet Poison Prevention

Pet Poison Prevention

The third full week in March each year is National Poison Prevention Week (NPPW), a week dedicated to raising awareness to poison control centers and the poison help hotlines. At the Pet Vaccination Clinic, it is important to us that you have the information and help you need to keep your pet safe. We’ve compiled a list of advice and resources to help keep your dogs and cats safe in their environment.

9 Tips for Raising a Happy, Healthy Puppy

9 Tips for Raising a Happy, Healthy Puppy

New puppies are an exciting and sweet addition to your life, and we have the advice to help prepare you for providing the best life for your pet. These 9 tips include researching the breed, preparing your home, recommended vaccinations, potty training, building your bond, spaying & neutering, training, making regular visits to your veterinarian, and year-round parasite prevention.