What To Do When My Pet is Acting Strange

September is Animal Pain Awareness Month.  For 35+ years, the Pet Vaccination Clinic has been dedicated to giving compassionate, convenient care for your pets for vaccinations and outpatient care. 

Knowing the signs of discomfort can help you to identify issues early and prevent any further complications. To help spread awareness for the signs of animal pain, we’ll be discussing common symptoms of discomfort in pets, as well as giving an informational set of questions to help prepare for your visit with the veterinarian.

The Most Common Signs of Pain/Discomfort

  • Decreased activity

  • Difficulty going up or down stairs

  • Reluctance to jump up onto surfaces

  • Eating grass

  • Difficulty standing after lying down

  • Decreased appetite

  • Over grooming or licking in a particular area

  • Attempting to urinate for long periods of time

  • Frequent scratching in the same area

  • Scooting their rear end on the carpet or grass

  • Abnormal stool

  • Discoloration in urine

If you notice any of these signs or any other signs of concern, please schedule an appointment with us.

To help prepare for your pet’s examination, we’ve created a checklist of common questions to consider before for your appointment with the Doctor

  1. What are the symptoms?

  2. When did they start? 

  3. How frequent are the symptoms? 

  4. Have there been any changes to your pet’s routine?

  5. Have there been any changes to the environment?

    1. Home renovations, new detergent, new cleaners, etc.

  6. Have there been any changes to your pet’s diet? 

    1. Changed food?

    2. New treats? 

    3. Does your pet get table food? 

Pet Vaccination Clinic provides efficient and professional care without losing the personal touch.

Dr. Stan Leland opened Pet Vaccination Clinic,  located at 1010 SW Military Drive in San Antonio, TX, on June 1, 1985. Since day one, Dr. Leland has provided compassionate care, taking the time to explain animal care thoroughly to clients so they can champion their pet’s health. Dr. Leland offers multiple services including, but not limited to, vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, deworming, exams, health certificates, and heartworm preventative. Contact us here to make an appointment.